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Tip #1 to Improve Employee Engagement

Often times leaders will ask, "what are the two to three things I need to do to improve my employee engagement scores?". First, we remind leaders that although employee engagement may only be measured once a year, if measured at all, employee engagement is 365 (#NoDaysOff). Instead of giving you only two to three "things" leaders can do, we'll provide you with 10 tips to improve employee engagement as we celebrate Share the Love February at IMC Culture. 

Tip 1: Invest In Your Mission. 

Require all employees to learn the mission statement and start every meeting by reciting the mission statement. This engagement tip, (1) assumes your organization has a mission statement, and (2) assumes your organization's mission statement resonates with your employees. If these two assumptions are not true, which is the case for most organizations worldwide, we encourage senior leaders and HR professionals to invest in the mission statement.

Just four in 10 employees worldwide agree that the mission or purpose of their company makes them feel their job is important. (Gallup. "Company Missions: Not Resonating with Employees") .
If your organization has a mission statement that resonates with employees, anchoring your culture on the mission will have a powerful, positive impact on your employee engagement.  

The simplest and easiest way to anchor your culture on the mission is to ask your employees to learn the mission statement. Another tactic is to start every meeting by reciting the mission statement. Adding the mission statement to the top of all agendas keeps the mission front and center. Reciting the mission statement at the beginning of meetings may be awkward when you first start, but we encourage you to keep it up because your employees will notice and mission-based organizations have better workplace cultures. 

If (1) your organization does not have a mission statement, (2) your organization's mission statement is weak, or (3) you have any questions about this engagement tip, #ContactIMC
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